Daily Archives: May 19, 2013

Sunday Read: Re: Wine Tasting is Bullshit

The other day, I came across the blog post I am linking to at the end of this article. I had not seen the post that triggered this response, but it made me read the initial post as well. You can find the initial post here, in which a Robert T. Gonzalez explains why, in his opinion, wine tasting is BS. I guess the title ensured that the hits on his blog increased a lot…hell, I even helped him if you clicked the link.

Here is Gonzalez’ premise (roughly and subjectively summarized): Wine tasting produces different results according to the taster, tasters are stupid, and wine critics know that tasting is BS.

I read Gonzalez’ article and just thought: Yeah, pretty much everyone knows these issues. But that is not what it is about. Tasting is not about reaching scientific results. And we all know what we do has to be taken with a grain of salt (or residual sugar, in my case!). The article was self-righteous and sensational, when there was really nothing to be self-righteous about or sensational about the issue…I just found it petulant.

And then I read The Gray Report’s response to Gonzalez’ rant. It is thoughtful and measured. And he said something that made sense to me: Gonzalez’ critique applies to all critics, be they movie, theatre, food or literary critics. If you believe there is a place for that art form, then Gonzalez’ article seems banal and mewh, or blurgh. But when you think there is no place for it, that critique is just a sucking parasite, then I guess Gonzalez’ article made you nod a lot…

I am with The Gray Report and that is why I want you to read his response! Well written, witty, but clear to the point. Just right for a Sunday Read. Happy Sunday!!

The Gray Report: Re: Wine Tasting is Bullshit

Gonzalez’ initial post can be found following this link, in case you want to form your own opinion.

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